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February Instagram Highlights!

Yes Abroad Monthly Ig Highlights

During the month of February, YES Abroad celebrated Black History Month and shared activities from YES Abroad students including capstone projects, rainy days, and even snow days! Visit the YES Abroad Instagram for more highlights.


Bosnia and Herzegovina:

Kai, YES Abroad participant in Bosnia and Herzegovina, gave a presentation for Black History Month at the American Corner in Banja Luka. A presentation was followed by a dynamic discussion during which students shared their opinions and asked questions about stereotypes, microaggressions, Black culture, Kai's experience on the exchange, and Black History Month.

"Although Black History Month is celebrated in February, Black is beautiful all 365 days a year."

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YES Abroad participants have the opportunity to work on capstone projects on topics of their choosing while on program. Recently, Morocco participant, Caroline, had the chance to visit Asfi with her language partner in order to do research for her capstone project on pottery in Morocco!

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During the rainy season in Indonesia, outdoor fun for Lael and her school peers tends to involve more splashing than not! Grabbing umbrellas and racing paper boats is especially popular.

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Snow in Jordan?? Yes! Jordan is often thought of as being a very hot, dry country but make sure to pack warm clothes if you'll be there in the winter! February was particularly wintery in Amman and YES Abroad participant Addi and her host sister enjoyed the snow!