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For the First Time: A Reflective Poem

Ginya 3final

By Ginya, YES Abroad 2014-2015, Oman

A month ago, 

The land of the free and the home of the brave became a place 7,500 miles away from where I am today.

Four weeks ago, 

In the gulf ridden with terrorists, dozens of arms opened wide to embrace a disoriented, blonde American.

30 days ago, 

Cheese sambosas, chapati, chai mubarak, and sweetest dates greeted my lips and welcomed me to His Majesty’s land.

720 hours ago, 

For the first time, a scarf caressed my head, and my eyes became a camera lens into another life.

43,200 minutes ago, 

On my right, beautifully sculpted jebels (mountains) waved to me and on my left, I was warmly greeted by the rolling ripples in the sparkling turquoise sea.

2,592,000 seconds ago, 

I arrived in a place I’d never thought I’d be,

And in just one month,

I’ve become a different (better version of) me.