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Singing Along with the Host Siblings

Tha Harshbarger Annika Host Fam 5

By Annika, YES Abroad 2019-2020, Thailand 

A few months back, I asked my host sister if she wanted to get bubble tea with me. We got in the car along with my host brother and cousin. On the way we started to sing along to Thai and English songs for fun. We got bubble tea, went to the 7/11 shop, and stopped at a food cart for some rice and chicken, called khaw mong gkay.

If you know Thailand, you know that bubble tea, 7/11, and food carts visits are three very common and ordinary things to do. But to me, when we were singing along together in the car, going to these everyday places, it felt like we weren’t strangers anymore. I feel like we are closer, and that night in particular was when I could tell that we had formed a lasting bond. Now whenever we get in the car and turn the music on, I’m not scared to sing loudly even if not very well, and I am so happy knowing that my host family will do the same thing right along with me!